2021 DIGITAL: Eurythmy – Speech Formation – Eurythmy Therapy Online – how is that possible?

2021 DIGITAL: Eurythmy – Speech Formation – Eurythmy Therapy Online – how is that possible?

Three-day working meeting in digital format – 7th -9th April 2021

The Section for the Performing Arts is inviting to this exchange. The focus is on the questions: How does movement and language work on and through a screen? What has proven successful, what tips and tricks are there for teaching, seminars and training?

For the first time we would like to use this opportunity to strengthen the network of eurythmists working in curative education and social therapy. Sonja Zausch and colleagues will be offering a workshop on this. The aim is to strengthen this professional profile, to get to know each other in order to share common research and questions, to further educate ouselves together.

Please inform the eurythmists in your organizations worldwide. For further questions, please reach out to s.zausch@inclusivesocial.org

Information & Registration