Fonds für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie Dornach
The Fonds für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie Dornach is the legal entity carrying the work of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development. The Fonds is a nonprofit association constituted under Swiss law without entry in the commercial register. Its small group of members annually elects a Board of Directors, chaired by a President. However, the membership is generally active as a whole. Besides its formal fiduciary responsibility, the Fonds assures that the necessary economic resources for the are available for the work of the Council. The strategic direction taken by the Fonds is always guided by the thematic goals set by the Council itself. The Fonds supports the implementation of these goals through its financial resources, expertise and network of relationships. As the majority of its funding comes from the annual contributions made by the member networks in the various countries represented in the Council, maintaining active relationships with and accountability to the worldwide movement is central to the Fonds’ way of working.