Introductory Booklets

Since 2018, the Swiss association Anthrosocial (formerly vahs) has been publishing a series of brochures with introductory texts on topics related to anthroposophical curative education, social therapy and social psychiatry. They are aimed at staff in institutions, trainees, parents and relatives, people interested in studying and training, participants in further education and conferences, and other interested parties. Their aim is to provide knowledge, experience and information on the basics of anthroposophical social therapy, curative education and social psychiatry and their many fields of activity in an accessible form.

We are pleased to be able to make these publications available internationally in various translations as part of our partnership with Anthrosocial. Even though some of the content is oriented towards the Swiss context, topics and viewpoints are addressed that can doubtless also make a valuable contribution in other contexts. In this sense we offer the translations as a free contribution of our Swiss colleagues. You can read the booklets for free in our screen reader, print them or download them as PDF.

The original German publications are available on the Anthrosocial website.

01 Andreas Fischer: Anthroposophic Curative Education and Social Therapy – An Introduction


Anthroposophic Curative Education and Social Therapy – An Introduction


Pedagogía Curativa y Terapia Social Antroposófica – Una introducción


Антропософская лечебная педагогика и социальная терапия – Введение


Antroposofisk helsepædagogik og socialterapi – En indføring

02 Eva-Maria Schnaith: Spirituality in Everyday Care


Духовность в повседневном сопровождении

04 Andreas Fischer: Relationship building

