Future Shapers
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The meetings always take place on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 19:00 Central European (Summer) Time (CET/CEST).
You are cordially invited!
Meeting ID: 813 1989 0650
Passcode: future
Liia Ivanova (English and Russian), delegate of the Future Shapers in the Council: futureshapers@inclusivesocial.org
Sonja Zausch (German and English), member of the leadership team: s.zausch@inclusivesocial.org
Experiences of the future shapers during the conference in October at the Goetheanum
In October 2022, the annual autumn conference of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development took place at the Goetheanum with the theme “Vulnerability – Love – Balance”. The Future Shapers team facilitated a 3-day online workshop with the title “Communities of the Future”. It was based on the work of our international Study Group, where participants read and discuss anthroposophical texts and share experiences together. The main aim of the Study Group is to bring together young specialists in curative/therapeutic education and social therapy from all over the world, to help and support each other in their self-development and professional work.
The “Communities of the Future” workshop had a similar aim. There were participants from Northern Ireland, Romania, Argentina, Slovakia, Russia, India and China. It was a powerful collaboration. The three days were themed on the basis of thinking, feeling and willing and towards coming closer to understanding a natural healthy way of community building. We had rich discussions about what it means to live in diverse communities all over the world, the interchange of human feelings, society as a whole, and fruitful artistic work that gave us some “soul food” to take along. We came to the realisation that Humanity has the potential to overcome all boundaries and embrace one another in a way that creates a safe space and a circle of compassion together.
It was valuable to bring together experiences from different countries and organizations and come up with a large-scale vision of where we are going and what we, each of us, can do to build communities of the future. The next step in this journey is the “Community in Dialogue” conference to be held in May in Switzerland, at Humanus Haus, a few kilometres south of Bern: https://inclusivesocial.org/en/event/community-in-dialogue
If you would like to join the work of the Future Shapers or know other young colleagues that might be interested, please reach out to futureshapers@inclusivesocial.org.
What has happened up to now?
Since the beginning of the work of the leadership team in 2017, the topic of the next generation of professionals, generational change, what does anthroposophy mean in the 2020s and the like have been discussed again and again among the delegates.
In spring 2021, with an invitation from the leadership team, we were able to get to know each other for the first time in a digital format. We are a group of younger people who have met the leadership team from different contexts and can and want to connect in an intentional way now.
The leadership team has the impulse: The future of the Council with its worldwide field must be shaped with the people who will live, work and act in the future.
What are our questions, crises, insecurities, fantasies, wishes, dreams, …? Here we have formed a vessel for working together in trust. We are supported by the leadership team and the entire network of Council delegates.
At the small 2021 Autumn Conference „Acceptance-Resonance–Communities of Choice” we – an international smaller group of seven younger people – actively co-created the conference with various formats and activities.
Afterwards, with the support of Penelope Baring, we wrote a joint article for “Perspectives”.
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In January 2022, we met digitally with a lot of enthusiasm to continue working together.
We have formed a study group that meets digitally once a month.
- Everybody is invited who
- is interested in a continuous way of working,
- is not older than 35–40 years,
- speaks English and
- enjoys helping to shape the global future of the Council with its diverse fields of work!
- Currently we have started to read together the book by Dan McKanan: Camphill and the future (EN).
- We share our project ideas, support each other with questions, give each other emotional empowerment and learn together.
- We are planning a contribution to the Contemplative Spaces at the next Autumn Conference: https://inclusivesocial.org/en/event/international-conference-on-curative-education-and-social-therapy
- We are working on a concept for an international world congress in Kazan, Russia.
The project group “Young Professionals” was formed at the October 2016 meeting of the Council. It was charged with developing international networking opportunities for young professionals. See also the calendar of events.
Contact: Sonja Zausch (s.zausch@inclusivesocial.org)
Wanted: Shapers of the future!
Do you feel connected to anthroposophical curative education and social therapy?
Are you under 35 years young?
Are you curious to develop new formats for meetings, conferences and the like? And all this for and with our international community!
With our conferences and events, working groups and initiatives, in training and continuing education, we want to build the bridge between the lived practice of the past and new research in our professional field. Likewise, we wish to open a space for dialogue about the present challenges, as well as the future and our cooperation, in order to plant new seeds!
To this end, we would like to work intensively with the younger generation. By this we mean people approximately up to 35 years of age.
One particular topic is, the planning for a smaller autumn conference this coming October. Other topics are the large conference in October 2022 on the working theme of medicine, therapy and care in curative education and social therapy. Then in 2023, another smaller conference in October, and the important 100th anniversary of the Curative Education Course, which we will celebrate in 2024. That is our current timeline. Everything is open to change!
If you have any further questions or are interested in joining the team, please contact Sonja Zausch at: s.zausch@inclusivesocial.org