New publication: Christian Texier: A curative education dialogue

New publication: Christian Texier: A curative education dialogue

with illustrations by Timothy Falk

A SUPPORTIVE EDUCATIONAL CONVERSATION conveys a little of the ‘joyful science’ that Rudolf Steiner expounded in his Curative Educational Course in 1924. The book is intended as a contribution to the 100th anniversary of the lecture series and at the same time provides a humorous and illustrated introduction to anthroposophical supportive education and to anthroposophy in general. The dialogue written by Christian Texier has been enriched by Timothy Falk with colourful illustrations. Karen Riemann provided the translation from Swedish.

110 pages, 15.00 euros, 978-3-89979-371-00

Publisher Ch. Möllmann • Schloss Hamborn 94 • D-33178 Borchen

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