Do the questions, “How can inclusion succeed? How can inclusion be made person-centred and successful through vocational training for people...
27Apr27. April 2020
Do the questions, “How can inclusion succeed? How can inclusion be made person-centred and successful through vocational training for people...
The new issue of our international journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available online for readers with...
The fourth Spanish-Portuguese Conference for people with support needs Federación Hispano-Portuguesa de Pedagogía Curativa y Terapia Social “Catch the fish,...
The Camphill Academy now manages the Camphill Research Network, an international library of existing research on the Camphill movement, originally...
During my first visit to Israel at the beginning of March I was able to experience the incredibly complex areas...
From 24 to 27 February I had the first opportunity to get to know the curative education and social therapy...