International Inclusive Autumn Conference – Now also online!

International Inclusive Autumn Conference – Now also online!

Online registration closes on October 5, 16:00 GMT+2

Now also online: Education – always! Developing what lives in me and moves the world

Goetheanum, Dornach (CH), Oktober 5-9, 2020 – and online everywhere!

This year’s major international Autumn Conference for Curative Education and Social Therapy will take place at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) from 5 to 9 October 2020 and will be dedicated to the theme of lifelong learning and life span development.

We are pleased to be able to offer online participation in addition to the on-site event at the Goetheanum. If you cannot come to the Goetheanum, register now for online participation. This gives you access to the live stream of the lectures with simultaneous translation into several languages (DE, EN, RU, FR, IT, NL), to recordings of the lectures (in Spanish and Chinese, among others), to interactive discussion groups following the lectures and to a selection of hybrid and online working groups. When registering for online participation, you can make a voluntary contribution to the solidary financing of the conference and the online format according to your possibilities. However, we know that this is not possible everywhere due to the current situation. If this is not possible, you are of course still welcome to participate!

Our updated conference brochure with information and program is available for download on the event page. There you will also find the links to registration for the on-site conference at the Goetheanum and for online participation.

We look forward to your participation!

The following working groups are available for online participation:

Dienstag – Donnerstag, 11:15-12:45 (GMT+2)
Tuesday – Thursday, 11:15-12:45 (GMT+2)

  • Remco Bakker (EN): Learning from and through the unknown
  • Jan Göschel (EN): Conversation on morning lectures
  • Florian Osswald (DE/EN): Das Leben als Bildungschance entdecken / Discovering life as a chance for learning
  • Reem Mouawad & Sandra Rouhana (EN): Know yourself, be good or become good
  • Tamara Isaeva (RU): Лечебная педагогика: почему развитие на протяжении всей жизни?
  • June Yu & Richard She (EN/ZH): Social art for the digital generation
  • Hai Nguyen & Trinh Phan To (EN): GNH and social therapy

Dienstag – Donnerstag, 16:00-17:30 (GMT+2)
Tuesday – Thursday, 16:00-17:30 (GMT+2)

  • Nicole Asis & Joan Sleigh (EN): Unfolding individual potential through empathic encounters
  • Andrea De La Cruz Barral (EN/ES): Shaping the future out of our questions / Dar forma al futuro a partir de nuestras preguntas
  • Claudio Jax (DE/EN): Junge Freiwillige in ihrem Lernprozess begleiten / Supporting young volunteers in their learning process
  • Rainer Menzel & Claudio Eyer (DE): Projekt “Lebenslanges Lebens-Lernen”
  • Marcela Almeyda & Myriam Orrillo (ES): Aprender con inclusión
  • Richard Blake (EN): Exploring digital storytelling – the ‘My Story’ project