“Dorf2025” – A development process of the village community Breitenfurt

“Dorf2025” – A development process of the village community Breitenfurt

In a new explanatory video, the village community of Breitenfurt presents the development and transformation process it has been undergoing since 2017. Under the title “Dorf2025” (Village2025), the village community has set out on its 20th anniversary to redesign and redefine itself in its various dimensions as a living community, as an organization and as a professional service provider. In this process, the Breitenfurt village community works with the tools of “Theory U” and the quality development process “Ways to Quality”, among others. It also ties in with the BaSiG research project of the German Bundesverband Anthropoi. The video gives an overview of the process and some key themes.

Video “Dorf2025” (Deutsch)

Video “Dorf2025” (English)