How do I find the Good? – 100 years ‘Course for young doctors’

How do I find the Good? – 100 years ‘Course for young doctors’

How do I find the Good? How do we find the courage to heal, and how to I ensure that the laws of karma are respected in healing?

The conference honouring the 100 year anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s course for humanising medicine (known as the ‘Course for Young Doctors’) is inspired by these questions as guiding stars. In the lectures of the course there are exercises and meditations as a guide towards spiritual independence, to learn how to see with the heart and perceive the wisdom of Nature and the Cosmos. We are called to unite the human being once again with this wisdom, through an unshakeable Will to heal and the realisation of Karma. Although it is a ‘doctor’s’ course, we also believe these indications for an inner path extend beyond the doctor, and are meaningful to anyone within the medical-therapeutic movement. The content of our conference seeks to explore and develop these and other themes from this course.

We, as an international group of young people in diverse fields of the Anthroposophic healing arts, have been preparing this conference for three years now, and invite anyone who feels connected to or inspired by the impulse to join! In these Holy Nights between Christmas and Epiphany, we hope to create space for experience, encounter, and inspiration, so that we can find new strength and courage as we carry Anthroposophic medicine into the future.

There will also be a parallel online conference, happening during the European night time, for our friends and colleagues from further away to join. It will include some lectures and workshops with art and eurythmy.