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Article about Pericles in the Parliamentary Review 2019
7. March 20197. March 2019

Article about Pericles in the Parliamentary Review 2019

Pericles is an organization in West Sussex, in the south of England, which offers training and work opportunities for young adults. One of 16 educational institutions from a wide range of sectors, it appears in this year’s Parliamentary Review on Education Services in the United Kingdom. The article about Pericles is on page 49.  

Training Council in Bad Boll, February 28 – March 2, 2019 – 2.3.2019
6. March 20196. March 2019

Training Council in Bad Boll, February 28 – March 2, 2019 – 2.3.2019

From February 28 to March 2, 2019, the Training Council was a guest at the Akademie AnthropoSozial with its two locations. In addition to the working meeting at the Rudolf-Steiner-Seminar in Bad Boll, the members of the Training Council also visited the Karl-Schubert-Seminar in Wolfschlugen for an exchange with the Academy’s leadership. The work focused...

Let us be Weavers: New York Times Op-Ed on Inclusive Social Development
6. March 20196. March 2019

Let us be Weavers: New York Times Op-Ed on Inclusive Social Development

“Culture changes when a small group of people, often on the margins of society, find a better way to live, and other people begin to copy them.” – David Brooks In his February 18, 2019 column, political journalist David Brooks speaks in moving terms of how societal change is happening – through countless small community-building...

19. February 201930. June 2023

On the Art of Listening by Jens Bodo Meier

We are very pleased that Jens Bodo Meier is providing us with his story about “The Art of Listening,” which was told to us a little further by him every morning during the International Conference in October 2018 – and always giving us listeners a new listening gesture and social mindfulness for each other. A...

Colloquium CARE I: Pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood (June 20-22, 2019) – sign up now!
8. February 20198. February 2019

Colloquium CARE I: Pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood (June 20-22, 2019) – sign up now!

The interdisciplinary colloquium of the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum on its CARE theme I – Pregnancy, Birth and Early Childhood will take place from June 20-22, 2019 at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. It is aimed at all medical-therapeutic, nursing, educational and social professionals involved in this phase...

Part-time Administrative Support Position for the Council (in Dornach, Switzerland)
4. February 20195. February 2019

Part-time Administrative Support Position for the Council (in Dornach, Switzerland)

Starting in summer 2019 (start date by agreement), we are looking for a new partner in a part-time capacity our office in Dornach, Switzerland. The tasks include general administrative support of the Leadership Team, communication with the international network of the Council, as well as participation in conference organization. Please email Jan Göschelwith questions and...

Portraits of Us – Theater Project in Camphill Hudson
4. February 20194. February 2019

Portraits of Us – Theater Project in Camphill Hudson

Portraits of Us is a devised piece of theater which highlights our strengths, who we are as individuals with all sorts of abilities living in community. The piece is a celebratory, empowering, insightful and educational piece about what it means to live in modern times with different abilities. The piece is made up of nine...

Training Project at the Ubumwe Community Center in Rwanda
30. January 201930. January 2019

Training Project at the Ubumwe Community Center in Rwanda

The Ubumwe Community Center Was founded by two young people, Frederick Ndabaramiye and Zacharie Dusingizimana, with the aim of supporting people with support needs, some of whom lost their parents and family members during the genocide in Rwanda, and creating a school for children, as well as residential, therapeutic and work situations for adolescents and...

Trainings in Taiwan
30. January 201930. January 2019

Trainings in Taiwan

In 2015, CESTT (Curative Education and Social Therapy in Taiwan) started a four-year, twice-yearly training program in Yunlin, Taiwan. CESTT, under the direction of June Yu, has been supported by faculty members from Camphill Academy as well as others. Participants in the courses have included Waldorf teachers, Extra Lesson practitioners, early childhood specialists and Anthroposophic...

“Learning difficulties as an opportunity for transformation” Conference in Italy
26. January 201926. January 2019

“Learning difficulties as an opportunity for transformation” Conference in Italy

“Learning difficulties as an opportunity for transformation,” was the title of the conference of the Associazione Italiana per la Pedagogia Curative e la Socioterapia Antroposofiche, which took place in Milan from 18 to 20 January. The aim was to provide an overview of the current research themes in Italy and abroad around learning difficulties The...