Working Group on Social Therapy

The Working Group on Social Therapy met with thirteen European colleagues for its autumn meeting at the Emil Molt Akademie in Berlin, Germany.

A central topic was the situation of young professionals, which needs our attention all over the world. A working group on the core topics of the Council has already developed an aid for this in the form of helpful questions for staff review meetings.

The second important topic was: What do we mean by “education” and especially “inclusive education”? What does lifelong learning mean, and what does it make possible for all people? When does knowledge become education, when does learning skills become education? What approaches do we use in social therapy organizations to support pathways of personal development?

Satisfied and enriched by trusting, stimulating conversations, a visit to an unusual workshop for people with disabilities with a candy factory (faktura gGmbH), an opera production and delicious cakes at a tiny Israeli-Berliner artisan cake factory, we said goodbye to each other. We are trying to find new members for STAG, as some of the current ones would like to retire.

The next meeting will be April 3-6, 2019, at Leutholdhof in Austria.