General Assembly of the Federação Hispano-Portuguesa de Pedagogia Curativa e Socioterapia Antroposófica on Tenerife

General Assembly of the Federação Hispano-Portuguesa de Pedagogia Curativa e Socioterapia Antroposófica on Tenerife

From 26 to 28 April, the General Assembly of the Spanish and Portuguese therapeutic education and social therapy initiatives took place in Tenerife, as well as a symposium for the employees. We were guests in the 25 year old initiative San Juan in Adeje-Santa Cruz.

The symposium was opened with singing together under the expert guidance of Steffi Brandl, and a lecture by Fidel Ortega on individual and community in the tension between independence and interdependence.

The content of this lecture was deepened in working groups with eurythmy (with Katja Baumhauer) and music.

After dinner we went to the fishing museum of Adeje. The exhibition of the artistic work of the studios of San Juan was opened here in a festive way, and will be shown in various places on the island this summer. The ‘compañeros’ and their families were very happy with the great interest in their work.

The next day the symposium continued with two lectures by Bart Vanmechelen on inclusive social development and on inner light and warmth qualities in the human encounter and collaboration. In discussion and artistic workgroups not only the contents were clarified and deepened, but these qualities of light and warmth were also perceived by the enthusiastic participants. In this way, the symposium became as well a place of meeting and deepening of the collaboration.