Call for Contributions: ICSA Conference 2022

Call for Contributions: ICSA Conference 2022

The International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) conference will be held in Denmark from July 14–16, 2022.

This year’s conference theme is:
How do we remain responsible members of the evolving society?
How can we further develop the communities to which we ourselves belong?

ICSA is an international organizationwhose mission is to research and share experiences of living in communes, living communities, so-called eco-communities, or of living together in larger and smaller communities (Intentional Communities).

The target audience of the conference are researchers from universities and other teaching institutions worldwide as well as “practitioners” who have their daily walk in such communities as employees and/or residents.

It is possible to participate in the conference both in person and virtually.
(Please note that the conference language is English).

For more information, see the short call (German) or the November 2021 ICSA Newsletter (English), or visit the conference website at

Call for contributions
If you feel the call and the desire to actively participate in the conference, e.g. to contribute to the conference theme, please contact the conference chair Dan McKanan directly by March 10 at the latest: