Completion of the first curative education and social therapy course in Mexico

Completion of the first curative education and social therapy course in Mexico

On August 4, 2023, the first group of the advanced training in anthroposophical curative education and social therapy, founded in 2019, at ‘Gita – Centro Antroposófico’ in Cuernavaca, Mexico, celebrated their graduation. Gita engaged Doris Unger from Buenos Aires, co-founder and former member of the leadership of the Argentine ‘Seminario Cruz del Sur’, to develop and lead the four-year training course, which is offered in parallel with other programs in Waldorf education, art therapy and leadership and organizational development. Leticia Santagata, another colleague from the Cruz del Sur team, took over the guidance of the second course in 2022. Other colleagues from Argentina also taught as guest lecturers.

Alicia Blanco from Buenos Aires and Jan Göschel from the leadership team of the Council, as well as the students and teachers of the other courses, were present at the final module, which took place in the convent of the Misioneras Clarisas del Santísimo Sacramento in Cuernavaca. The group of graduates presented their final projects and as a group project performed some dramatic scenes from Michael Ende’s ‘Momo’.

The successful completion of the first cycle is an important step for the development of curative education and social therapy in Mexico. It is the first training in this field of work conducted entirely in Mexico. In addition to Gita’s course, a second training is underway with the ‘Formación Kaspar Hauser’ in Mexico City, which is substantially supported by Myriam Orrillo from the Cruz del Sur team, and whose first group will graduate within the coming year.

Thus, for the first time, Mexico has the foundations for building a nationally networked community of anthroposophical curative educators and social therapists, and thus also a good basis for implementing pioneering impulses in the field of practice.

A third round of training at Gita is scheduled to start in mid-2024.

Congratulations to all involved: the Gita leadership team around Pedro Martinez Niño, the initiator of the course and the mentors of the two groups, Doris Unger and Leticia Santagata, all lecturers, and of course especially this first group of participants who are now qualified for our field of work! Welcome to the Council’s international network! We look forward to continuing to work together with you!