International Conference 2024 – Inclusive Social Development

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International Conference 2024 – Inclusive Social Development

From 2–6 October 2024 we will celebrate a special international conference:

  • 100 years ago, the Curative Education Course was held by Rudolf Steiner; and
  • our field is going to become the 12th Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum:

English: Section for Inclusive Social Development
German: Sektion für Heilpädagogik und inklusive soziale Entwicklung

Our upcoming international conference is therefore entitled: ‘Inclusive Social Sevelopment’. Together we will work out what all belongs to the inner and outer impulses that were initiated 100 years ago and what tasks are coming towards us from the future.

The following draft program and the collection of ideas for forum topics should help you to get an picture and overview of what to expect at this special conference

As in previous years, we will again fund the conference as much as possible in a spirit of solidarity. You can find more information on this via the link below.

We are looking forward to a colorful conference with many participants from different countries!