International Conference 2024 – Inclusive Social Development

International Conference 2024 – Inclusive Social Development

From 2–6 October 2024 we will celebrate a special international conference:

– 100 years ago, the Curative Education Course was held by Rudolf Steiner; and
– our field is going to become the 12th Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum:

English: Section for Inclusive Social Development
German: Sektion für Heilpädagogik und inklusive soziale Entwicklung

Inclusive social development

This intention of the 12th Section at the Goetheanum also describes the motif of this conference, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s course on ‘Education for Special Needs’. We are stepping into an open future, at the same time strengthening and making conscious what we stand for.

In 1924, Rudolf Steiner gave his course on ‘Education for Special Needs’ with twelve lectures for a small group of participants. With them he developed core ideas, which have been serving as guiding principles for this field of work, supporting people with diverse needs and abilities, for 100 years. From this initial source, a wide variety of different forms of shared working and living has spread around the globe, to more than 50 countries – all united in the striving for deep interest in the other and a listening ear: What is it, that this human being, whom I am meeting, truly wants?

The conference begins each morning with a humorous and artistic contribution, followed by different contributions. After that, there will be different workshops. The 20 forums are facilitated by international preparation groups and will work with contemporary issues in our field of work. They will offer an opportunity for all of us to engage and expand our horizons. In the evenings, we will come together for folk dancing, eurythmy, and on Saturday for the festive evening to found the new Section … and other surprises!
Two exhibitions have been curated and will be on display for the conference: “Kaspar Hauser”, and “Rudolf Steiner’s Soul Calendar Verses, presented by Victoria Ötl”.

On the Goetheanum campus, you will find stalls with presentations from our international network on ways of life and work from around the world.

We are looking forward to a colorful conference with many participants from different countries!

On the event page you will now find the program and an overview of the workshops and forums.