A new self-understanding …

A new self-understanding …

For the 50th anniversary of the Karl Schubert Gemeinschaft, Pascal Franz had a wonderful idea. All interested workshop employees – staff and relatives – are invited to an excursion to the Goetheanum in Dornach/Switzerland. It worked! The management agreed and together they planned.

Pascal Franz is an experienced workshop councilor of the Karl Schubert Workshops, spokesperson for the self-representatives of the regional working group (LAG) Baden-Württemberg, spokesperson for the “Anthropoi Workshop Council and Women’s Representative” and active contributor to Anthropoi Bundesverband, and has himself already been to the Goetheanum with the Department of Work Life at Anthropoi Bundesverband.

The Goetheanum is the home of the international anthroposophical movement with the School of Spiritual Science.
Rudolf Steiner planned this building 100 years ago. It was completed in 1928.

About 140 people have signed up for this day trip.
Three times at the beginning of July, we set off early in the morning from Filderstadt near Stuttgart/Germany in a large coach.

Sonja Zausch welcomed the group. She is part of the leadership team of the international curative education and social therapy work: the “Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development” and also works at Anthropoi Bundesverband.

At 12:15 p.m. lunch was served in the dining house (Speisehaus) in Dornach.
Strengthened with a delicious 3-course meal, the hill was climbed.
We visited the Goetheanum Garden Park with its animals, trees, flowers, vegetables and herbs and the special houses.
Some remind of Smurf or Hobbit houses. And who lives in them? Partly employees of the Goetheanum, and some of them are offices of the sections or associated organizations.
“Does the Pope live in there?” – The Goetheanum is such a large and powerful building that one can also think of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Once at the Goetheanum, we had a guided tour of the house.
Large colorful corridors, the “Bel Etage”, the concrete staircase, the information with photos about the sections, the model of the 1st Goetheanum and the incredibly huge hall with its colorful windows were admired extensively.

After a refreshment with coffee and cakes, Sonja told about the worldwide organizations and communities.
There is anthroposophical curative education and social therapy in 50 countries. Sonja and her two colleagues Jan from America and Bart from Belgium travel to the countries.
“Where do you sleep when you’re in the countries?”, “What language do you use to communicate?”, “What topics are people in other countries interested in?” – these were questions! Some answers can be read in the article in Punkt und Kreis, St. John 2023, page 11.

We are very pleased that the interest in anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner of people with assistance needs is increasing more and more! If we enter into a common exchange about this, our worldwide community will be able to go strengthened into the coming 100 years.

From 02–06.10.2024 the jubilee conference on 100 years of anthroposophical curative education and social therapy will take place at the Goetheanum together with the foundation of the 12th “Section for Inclusive Social Development”.
All people are welcome to attend.

And if anyone feels inspired to also make an excursion with a group to the Goetheanum, we will be happy to assist with the planning.
Contact: s.zausch@inclusivesocial.org

Text: Sonja Zausch
Photos: private