Author: Leadership Team (Leadership Team)

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In memory of Fidel Ortega Dueñas
4. August 202313. November 2023

In memory of Fidel Ortega Dueñas

When Fidel Ortega Dueñas passed into the spiritual world on 13.5.2023, he left behind many people who were connected to him in friendship. Not only in the “Asociación San Juan” on Tenerife, but around the world, countless people remember him in heartfelt gratitude and friendship.   We would like to invite you to download the...

A new self-understanding …
6. July 20237. July 2023

A new self-understanding …

For the 50th anniversary of the Karl Schubert Gemeinschaft, Pascal Franz had a wonderful idea. All interested workshop employees – staff and relatives – are invited to an excursion to the Goetheanum in Dornach/Switzerland. It worked! The management agreed and together they planned. Pascal Franz is an experienced workshop councilor of the Karl Schubert Workshops,...

Travelling for Anthroposophy
4. July 20236. July 2023

Travelling for Anthroposophy

In the German magazine “Punkt und Kreis” No. 72 | St. John 2023 an article on the multifaceted work of the leadership team of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development has been published. We are happy to make the magazine with this article available for download. Download as PDF (German) – article on p....

Perspectives 2023-2 – now online!
30. June 202330. June 2023

Perspectives 2023-2 – now online!

The new issue of the journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available – as always bilingual (German and English), in print and online! In the current issue you will find the following articles: Andreas Fischer – Ethical perspectives in relationship building Kislima Rivas & Juan Pablo Ruiz – Adult education for accompanying...

Camphill tour in the USA (Part 3)
29. June 20234. July 2023

Camphill tour in the USA (Part 3)

Whitsun festival conference The next highlight of our USA tour was the inclusive Whitsun Festival Conference in Camphill Copake and our visits to the Camphill communities in Upstate New York. Camphill Village Copake was founded in 1961 by a group of people around Carlo and Ursel Pietzner, who came from Camphill in the UK and...

Camphill tour in the USA (Part 2)
29. June 20234. July 2023

Camphill tour in the USA (Part 2)

Philadelphia After the Camphill Association meeting we flew to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to visit three neighboring Camphill Communities: The Camphill School at Beaver Run, Soltane and Kimberton Hills. At The Camphill School several different programs are offered: at Beaver Run a school for children with disabilities and a community with an inclusive kindergarten, and at Beaver...

Hilfe für anthroposophische Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie in der Ukraine
21. June 202321. June 2023

Hilfe für anthroposophische Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie in der Ukraine

Angesichts der durch den russischen Angriffskrieg entstanden grossen Not in der Ukraine entschlossen sich einige Persönlichkeiten, aktiv zu werden. Es waren alles Menschen, die schon seit vielen Jahren mit der anthroposophischen Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie in der Ukraine verbunden waren. Der Verein arbeitet eng mit Sonja Zausch, der für Osteuropa verantwortlichen Person im Anthroposophic Council for...

Camphill tour in the USA (part 1)
19. June 202319. June 2023

Camphill tour in the USA (part 1)

In May 2023 the leadership team travelled through the US to different Camphill communities. We took part in several meetings and conferences, enjoyed the guided tours in communities and workplaces and had many inspiring conversations with colleagues about future developments and possible collaborations.   New Orleans Our ‘Camphill tour’ started in New Orleans, the lively...

The Body – Efficacy Realized
12. June 202319. June 2023

The Body – Efficacy Realized

The subjective body is an experience. Through this body, the I finds its destiny. Article by Sonja Zausch in Das Goetheanum, issue 23/2023   In issue 23/2023 of the journal “Das Goetheanum” a text by our Leadership Team member Sonja Zausch is published, which we make available here as a PDF.   Dowload as PDF:...

Register now: Goetheanum World Conference
1. June 20231. June 2023

Register now: Goetheanum World Conference

Reshaping a World Movement 27. September bis 1. Oktober 2023 am Goetheanum A transdisciplinary working conference at which common challenges and questions of our time will be worked through, and artistic interventions, impulses for the future and encounters will be given space. How can the work of Anthroposophy be renewed and strengthened in a rapidly...