Category: News

Perspectives 2020-3 – Now online!
21. October 202021. October 2020

Perspectives 2020-3 – Now online!

The new issue of our international professional journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available online. In the current issue you will find: Reflections on the role of medicine in professional training for curative education and social therapy (by Angelika Gäch) Point-circle-motifs in music (by Gerhard Beilharz) Point and circle as didactic elements...

Camphill and the Future – The New Book by Dan McKanan
17. October 202017. October 2020

Camphill and the Future – The New Book by Dan McKanan

Dan McKanan’s long-awaited book about the Camphill Movement is now available online in print and as an Open Access publication. Dan McKanan is the Emerson Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Divinity School and has been researching community movements using spiritual principles to promote social and societal causes for many years. In addition to several publications...

The signature of the present
15. October 202017. October 2020

The signature of the present

The current time events demand assessments from different perspectives in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding and an appropriate capacity to act. On Monday, October 12, 2020 the Goetheanum leadership team began a series of contributions in German with English translation. It takes place weekly in the Carpentry (Schreinereisaal) and is accessible via...

International Inclusive Autumn Conference – Now also online!
23. September 20205. October 2020

International Inclusive Autumn Conference – Now also online!

Online registration closes on October 5, 16:00 GMT+2 Now also online: Education – always! Developing what lives in me and moves the world Goetheanum, Dornach (CH), Oktober 5-9, 2020 – and online everywhere! This year’s major international Autumn Conference for Curative Education and Social Therapy will take place at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland) from...

The human encounter as the basis of care and support: A new article by Sebastian Monteux and Angelika Monteux
12. September 202012. September 2020

The human encounter as the basis of care and support: A new article by Sebastian Monteux and Angelika Monteux

Sebastian Monteux and Angelika Monteux’s article “Human encounters: The core of everyday care practice” appeared in the scholarly periodical “International Journal of Social Pedagogy” on September 7, 2020. Abstract: Although there is increasing recognition within health and social care policy that relationships are central within ‘people work’, little attention is given to exploring the nature...

Child Study – 3rd Lecture of the Latin American Lecture Series (10 September 2020)
6. September 20206. September 2020

Child Study – 3rd Lecture of the Latin American Lecture Series (10 September 2020)

We are pleased to announce the next lecture in our open Latin American lecture series: «La observación del niño-joven como camino interior» – Marcela Almeyda (Argentina) (Child study as an inner path) Marcela Almeyda is a psycho-pedagogue (special needs teacher), active for many years in inclusive Waldorf schools and co-founder and member of the leadership...

Im Gedenken an Renate Sleigh (3.12.1930-3.7.2020)
2. September 20206. September 2020

Im Gedenken an Renate Sleigh (3.12.1930-3.7.2020)

Renate Sleigh, die Pionierin der Camphill-Bewegung in Afrika, ist am 3. Juli 2020 im Alter von 89 Jahren in Kapstadt verstorben. In grosser Dankbarkeit für ihren lebenslangen Einsatz für den Gemeinschaftsbildungsimpuls der Camphill-Bewegung und die anthroposophische Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie dürfen wir mit Ihnen hier zwei Texte teilen: eine biografische Skizze von Anne Weise sowie eine...

Obituary Dr. Wolfgang Feuerstack (16.05.1929 – 21.08.2020)
1. September 20201. September 2020

Obituary Dr. Wolfgang Feuerstack (16.05.1929 – 21.08.2020)

Wolfgang Feuerstack, the founder of the Weckelweiler Gemeinschaften, was a member of the executive council of the Association of Anthroposophic Institutions for Curative Education and Social Therapy (Verband anthroposophischer Einrichtungen für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie e.V.) from 1986–94, and as such was for many years a member of the Section Circle of the International Conference for...