Curative education training in Cuernavaca (Mexico)

Curative education training in Cuernavaca (Mexico)

For some years now, modular professional education in anthroposophical curative education has been taking place at the Waldorf teacher training organization Gita – Centro antroposófico in Cuernavaca, south of Mexico City. The course is aimed at teachers, doctors, therapists, psychologists and social workers from all over Mexico. The first group is currently preparing to graduate in the summer of 2023, while the second group has begun its second year. The program was developed by Doris Unger, one of the co-founders of the Cruz del Sur training program in Argentina. The second group will be accompanied by Leticia Santagata from the Cruz del Sur leadership team.

In August, Jan Göschel, a member of the Council’s leadership team, taught as a guest lecturer in the summer module. The module took place in a monastery in the middle of the city. Here we share some pictures of it.