Social Therapy Working Group (by invitation)
Emil Molt Akademie Monumentenstraße 13b, Berlin, DeutschlandDue to construction, please use the entrance Hohenfriedbergstrasse 25 (right next to the playground).
Due to construction, please use the entrance Hohenfriedbergstrasse 25 (right next to the playground).
The Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development, together with the Seminario Cruz del Sur and the Camphill Academy, invites all those responsible, teachers and mentors of training initiatives in curative education and social therapy in the Americas to a symposium. The aim is the professional exchange on methods and didactics of professional education in our...
on the subject of the 100th anniversary of the Curative Education Course Instead of a small Autumn Conference, an extended Delegates' Meeting will be held this year. If you are interested, please contact Sonja Zausch: