Inclusión y Desarrollo Social (Symposium of the Spanish-Portuguese Federation)

Asociación San Juan Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Inclusión y desarrollo social Físico, anímico y spiritual - tres ámbitos de intervención This symposium is organized by the Federación Hispano-Portugues de Pedagogia Curativa y Terapia Social Antroposopfica. It also marks the 25th anniversary of the Centro de P.C. y T.S. San Juan in Tenerife. All who work in Waldorf Pedagogy, Curative Education and Social...

Trauma Resilience

Goetheanum Rüttiweg 45, Dornach, Schweiz

Anthroposophic Body Therapies in Interdisciplinary Dialogue International Conference at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland)

Conference “Zukunft jetzt”

Emil Molt Akademie Monumentenstraße 13b, Berlin, Deutschland

Handling with Power Together: political, institutional and personal questions on dealing power and violence An international conference in German for young professionals and people in training on anthroposophic curative education and social therapy. Flyer as PDF Updated conference program Registration


Inclusive Conference (vahs): Diversity in Change, Change in Diversity

Sonnenhof Arlesheim Obere Gasse 10, Arlesheim, Schweiz

At the beginning of March this year, the action plan for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, drawn up by the associations CURAVIVA, INSOS and vahs, will be published. It provides suggestions and tools and supports the necessary development steps. In this sense, we want to be inspired...

Colloquium CARE I: Pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood

Dornach, Switzerland Dornach, Schweiz

The Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science invites you to an interdisciplinary colloquium on its CARE theme I: Pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood - how do we lay the foundation for healthy human development? Early life has a formative effect on health throughout the whole of life. Parents are dependent on support at...

Kick-off Meeting: Medicine and Therapy in Curative Education and Social Therapy

Sonnenhof Arlesheim Obere Gasse 10, Arlesheim, Schweiz

In recent weeks, several young physicians have expressed a desire to re-enliven a curative educational medicine. The need for good medical care and a deeper understanding of these special children and adults is increasingly being expressed in our various institutions today. At the same time, as physicians, we are concerned with how to train meaningfully...