Impressum / Contact

Goetheanum – Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft
Sektion für Heilpädagogik und inklusive soziale Entwicklung

Section for Inclusive Social Development

Ruchti-Weg 9
CH-4143 Dornach

+41 61 701 84 85

Supporting Organization of the Section

Fonds für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie Dornach
Ruchti-Weg 9
CH-4143 Dornach

The Fonds für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie Dornach a Swiss nonprofit association not registered in the commercial register.

Managing Director:
Dr. Jan Göschel

Board of Directors:
Michael Dackweiler, President; Remco Bakker, Board Member; Rainer Menzel, Board Member

Bank Accounts

For transfers in EUR:
Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: DE48 6837 0024 0068 8408 00


For transfers in CHF:
Raiffeisenbank Dornach
IBAN: CH40 8093 9000 0043 3571 8


International transactions:
Stripe-Payments by credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay and other local payment methods.
PayPal payments to @inclusivesocial or

Wise transfers – please contact us at

Privacy Policy


Donations to support the work of the Section can be made by card using the link below or through the above payment methods. If you would like to allocate your donation to a specific project, please indicate this. If you have any questions, please contact Thank you!