Italian Convention 100 Years of Education for Special Needs
A Renewed Look at the Fragility of Human Existence
From November 1 to 3, the Italian Association for Curative Education invited all Italian colleagues, teachers, therapists and school doctors to a conference to mark the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Curative Educational Course.
The conference offered a balanced program of artistic workshops, lectures and exercises and took place at the Libera Academia, an anthroposophical training center and the Scuola Steineriana of Oriago. The lectures highlighted the contemporary relevance of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures and showed practical examples of how these insights and methods can be adapted to support different educational contexts. Students from the Novalis Steiner School enriched the event with performances from their eurythmy and music classes. Bart attended the conference, where he gave a lecture, led a working group and conducted exercises on the topic of “Awakening the Forces of the Heart”. He presented the School of Spiritual Science and our Section’s working groups and encouraged colleagues to join the collaborative work of our global movement. Participants included teachers, therapists, school doctors and educators from Waldorf schools and social therapy initiatives, mostly from northern Italy. The event fostered a lively exchange of ideas and honored the past, present and future of the commitment to inclusive social development.