On the 6th of May, a whole year later than planned, we could finally meet again in Kulturhuset, Järna, Sweden at the Nordic Conference for co-workers in the field of social therapy and curative education. The Nordic Association for Curative Education and Social Therapy had planned and organised four days filled with lectures, concerts, and workshops on the theme: “The struggle for time, heart and earth – the meaning of inner development, knowledge, joy and hope”.
Around 250 People from Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, and Sweden were there, and also a group from Ukraine came and participated in the conference.
Three years after the last conference, it was a joyful and exiting feeling to finally meet colleagues again and make new connections.
The congress started with a spectacular juggling and memorizing performance by Peter Åberg, followed by an impressive lecture by Bob Hansson. The word “Wow” was on everybody’s lips during the entire weekend. We also had some inspiring international contributions by Bart Vanmechelen (BE) and by Are Toresen (NO).
Each day started off with singing, and the days had both inspiring lectures on the theme as well as a wide mix of practical and theoretical work groups, for example: painting, dancing, singing, massage, discussions and exercises and even a workshop on how to use Virtual Reality (VR) in daily work.
In the evenings, we were offered concerts and a eurythmy performance as well as an open stage.
Report: Sara Siegers