Dr. Jan Göschel

Member of the Leadership Team

Dr. Jan Göschel is a longtime member of the Camphill community Beaver Run near Philadelphia, where he also lives when he’s not traveling for the Council. In addition to his Council duties, he is President of Camphill Academy, an association of curative education and social therapy training centers in the United States and Canada. Before shifting his work primarily to training, he was a high school teacher at The Camphill School. Born and raised in Germany, he spent one year as a volunteer at Camphill Village Minnesota, before studying psychology and Waldorf education in Edinburgh. He later qualified as a special education teacher in the US and completed a Ph.D. at the University of Cologne, with a dissertation on child study in anthroposophic curative education. Jan also serves as a member of the editorial team for the journal ‘Perspectives’.

Regional Focus:

  • Switzerland
  • North and South America
  • Asia-Pacific Region
  • Africa


  • Management
  • Publications (incl. Editorial Team ‘Perspectives’)
  • Professional Education / Training
  • Research
  • Library and Archive

Email: j.goeschel@inclusivesocial.org