The Camphill Movement Group brings together delegates from the various regions of the international Camphill Movementevery May or June. This...
15Jun30. June 2023
May Conference (Maidagar) 2019 in Järna, Sweden
On 8 and 9 May, the executive council of Värna, the Swedish umbrella organisation of curative education and social therapy...
13Jun15. June 2019
General Assembly of the Federação Hispano-Portuguesa de Pedagogia Curativa e Socioterapia Antroposófica on Tenerife
From 26 to 28 April, the General Assembly of the Spanish and Portuguese therapeutic education and social therapy initiatives took...
30May15. June 2019
At the Goetheanum West Portal
For some time now, the Goetheanum’s public relations department has been very committed to reinvigorating its communication into the world....
30May1. June 2019
Impressions from the Conference “Zukunft Jetzt” in Berlin (May 16-18, 2019)
The ‘Zukunft Jetzt’ conference is an annual German-language conference for trainees, students and young professionals in anthroposophic curative education and...
08May22. October 2019
HeilerziehungspflegerIn auf der Walz
Eine neues Angebot, das auch international wirksam werden könnte, liegt aufgrund des großem Engagement eines jungen Auszubildenden in Deutschland nun...