Perspectives 2020-3 – Now online!

Perspectives 2020-3 – Now online!

The new issue of our international professional journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available online.

In the current issue you will find:

  • Reflections on the role of medicine in professional training for curative education and social therapy (by Angelika Gäch)
  • Point-circle-motifs in music (by Gerhard Beilharz)
  • Point and circle as didactic elements in professional training (by Annette Pichler)
  • Experience in eurythmy with a curative education class (by Adi Poran)
  • An obituary for Angelika Gäch
  • Various reviews of interesting publications

With a subscription you can read the entire issue online.

Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is the bilingual professional journal for anthroposophical curative education, social therapy and related fields of work. It is published by the Council and appears quarterly in print and digital. To the digital archive