Young Professionals – Shaping the Future


Next date

The meetings always take place on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 19:00 Central European (Summer) Time (CET/CEST).
You are cordially invited!
Meeting ID: 813 1989 0650
Passcode: future


Welcome to the Future Shapers!

We are a small group of young people who are excited about the future, and hope to find ways in which we can shape it! A place where we can explore the challenges of the world, sometimes stumbling over questions together, sometimes struck with inspiration, but always open and welcoming to new ideas. We wish to meet each other, to see potential, and to help each other discover and develop the unique magic we all have hidden within ourselves.
So if you are seeking a network of young professional people in our working-field who are burning with the same flame as you, then please come join us!
With warmth, light and love from the core-group
Nick Kellner (delegate of the group for the Section), Martin Schwarz, Veronika Turčanová, and Wiebke Lösken


Who we are

„The Future Shapers“ ist ein internationales Netzwerk junger Menschen bis 40 Jahre, die ihren Weg im Zusammenhang mit inklusiver sozialer Entwicklung finden und suchen – ob aktiv beteiligt, studierend oder neugierig.


What we do

We are related to the Section for Inclusive Social Development and together we co-create
  • meeting spaces with peers to share experiences, passions and inspirations
  • Supportive spaces for personal and professional development
  • Opportunities to develop new forms and practices in whichever area one is involved in and to carry it into the future
  • Inspiring the working fields of the Section out of our perspectives


How we do it

We are currently active mainly through Telegram ( but can also be contacted via email (


Through studying

We meet monthly in an online study group to read and discuss various texts. We choose our study material collaboratively, and we have worked through a diverse range of topics, from anthroposophical texts and beyond, into books on current issues and challenges in the world.
The meetings of the study group always take place on the second Saturday of the month at 19:00 Central European (Summer) Time (CET/CEST).
Everyone is welcome to come along.
Meeting ID: 813 1989 0650
Passcode: future


In conferences

We hold multiple online conferences where we connect with experienced practitioners who can assist us in deepening and expanding our professional skills, as well as hearing from new impulses, and the work of our peers. Within these conferences we focus on collaborative work and inclusive participation.



We also meet with the intention of seeing each other, of building social connections, and to draw inspiration from the moment when the other seems filled and illumined by the true, primal image of their spirit.

With our conferences and events, working groups and initiatives, in training and continuing education, we want to build the bridge between the lived practice of the past and new research in our professional field. Likewise, we wish to open a space for dialogue about the present challenges, as well as the future and our cooperation, in order to plant new seeds!



Nick Kellner (English), Delegate of the Futureshapers to the Section:
Sonja Zausch (German and English), member of the leadership team of the Section:
(January 2025)