Paths of Life

Paths of Life

Hein Kistner

Paths of Life
Biography work of people with disabilities

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Link to all further publications of Hein Kistner (in German)

First published in Germany by verlag selbstbestimmtes leben,
publishing house of Bundesverband für körper- und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen e.V.,
Brehmstraße 5–7, DE-40239 Düsseldorf

Originally published in Germany under the title
LebensWege: Biografiearbeit von Menschen mit Behinderung
ISBN: 978-3-945771-12-9
Düsseldorf 2018

Copyright © Hein Kistner 2018
Translation copyright © Christina Schmalenbach 2021

This valuable manual presents the foundations and methods of biographical conversations involving people with disabilities. The general concept is described in previous work, and the aim here is to use reports of practical experiences and examples to provide as concrete an insight as possible into biography work.