Public Relations
We are perceived by the public as a large anthroposophical field of practice. This requires a sensitive and careful communication culture in which the special features of our professional field can radiate.
Likewise, we are repeatedly exposed to criticism and hostility, in which good community crisis communication is valuable.
At the section’s fall 2024 conference, there was a forum on the topic and the people in this group are taking the initiative further and can work together with other interested colleagues.
Public relations has many tasks. Some examples are: making offers from the organizations known, recruiting employees, communicating values and attitudes, fundraising, crisis communication. A unifying theme is raising social awareness in the sense of Article 8 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Fundraising, crisis communication and cooperation with other associations and active organizations in the social sector are important elements. Joint public appearances are also an important political level when it comes to finding employees and recognizing the professional field.
Initiative group:
Ulrike Benkart (Board Member of Anthropoi Bundesverband, Germany), Claudio Jax (Friends of Waldorf Education, Germany), Karen Murphy (Executive Director of the Camphill Fundation, USA), Matthias Niedermann (Head of the German branch of the Anthroposophical Society), Matthias Spalinger (Executive Director of Anthrosocial, Switzerland)
The contact person for technical questions is Matthias Spalinger:
The contact person in the management team of the section is Sonja Zausch: