Spirituality and Religion
At the section’s 2024 fall conference, there was a forum on the topic and the people in this group are taking the initiative further and want to continue working on it together.
How can the culture of spirituality and religion develop in our institutions?
Topics include, for example:
- How can we address the need for spirituality and religion? What can we do to develop a vibrant culture in this area?
- How can we further develop the celebration of seasons and festivals in a multi-religious and secular context?
- The practice of the cultic acts given by Rudolf Steiner, e.g. the sacrificial act: what makes it possible to prepare and celebrate them together? How can new people learn to care for them?
- What connections are there to memorial services for the deceased or to discussion evenings on religious topics, such as Bible evenings?
- How can a community work together to develop unifying cultic moments?
- How can we make this work accessible to new employees and people with support needs?
The working group offers a space for collaboration and reflection in which colleagues can discuss challenges, exchange experiences and describe good practices. The further development of the practice and its integration into education and training is also an important topic of this working group.
The results of this collaboration are presented in the form of contributions and working groups at conferences.
Initiative group:
Michael Dackweiler (Germany), Katrin Fichtmüller (La Branche, Switzerland), Marie (Em) Dionie Palaleo (USA), Jonathan Reid (GB), Jasmin Mercier (Camphill Alt Schönow, Germany), Katharina Urbild (Institut Lauterbad, Germany)
The contact person in the section’s management team is Bart Vanmechelen: bart.vanmechelen@goetheanum.ch