The signature of the present

The signature of the present

The current time events demand assessments from different perspectives in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding and an appropriate capacity to act.

On Monday, October 12, 2020 the Goetheanum leadership team began a series of contributions in German with English translation. It takes place weekly in the Carpentry (Schreinereisaal) and is accessible via livestream for interested people worldwide. The contributions are recorded and can also be accessed at other times.

Next lecture on Monday, 19.10.2020, 8 pm, in the Carpentry (Schreinereisaal):
“We poor royal children – Corona and the social challenges of our time”
Lecture by Gerald Häfner

Due to the Corona protection concept, it is necessary to order a ticket with name, telephone number and address information. Please plan enough time at the evening box office or buy your ticket in advance during the sales hours at the Goetheanum Reception.