Trainings in Taiwan

Trainings in Taiwan

In 2015, CESTT (Curative Education and Social Therapy in Taiwan) started a four-year, twice-yearly training program in Yunlin, Taiwan. CESTT, under the direction of June Yu, has been supported by faculty members from Camphill Academy as well as others. Participants in the courses have included Waldorf teachers, Extra Lesson practitioners, early childhood specialists and Anthroposophic physicians as well as interested parents. This January marked the completion of the academic modules and was recognized with a festive celebration which included presentations of final projects. Congratulations to these dedicated students! Now for completion of the mentored internship!

In Taichung a similar training program began in July with an equally festive beginning, at Chiameidi Waldorf School with close to 50 participants. The second academic module was completed in January. Waldorf teachers from around the country as well as one from mainland China make up the student body.

Waldorf education is well established in Taiwan. The growing interest in Curative Education grows out of an urgent need to include children with different learning needs and the wish to deepen the knowledge and skill of the typical classroom teacher.

(Becky Rutherford, 29 January 2019)
