A day in Umut Nadeshda (Kyrgyzstan)

A day in Umut Nadeshda (Kyrgyzstan)

A film about life and work at the Umut Nadeshda Children’s Centre, Kyrgyzstan

(only available in German)

In 2022, young people spending a year in Kyrgyzstan as part of an international voluntary service made a wonderful film about the Umut Nadeshka Children’s Centre, which can be viewed here.

Founded in 1989 by Karla Maria and Igor Schälike, the centre offers a wide range of activities:
Four inclusive kindergarten groups, a curative education school with four classes, residential groups, a youth centre, Janusz Korczak Centre for adults with special needs, a therapy centre with counselling and further training for anthroposophical curative education and social therapy together with international colleagues.

The children’s centre, with its extensive sphere of activity, is financed almost exclusively by donations from abroad and would like to continue to provide a healthy everyday life with access to education for people with assistance needs, further training for colleagues and participation in political bodies in the country for many years in accordance with the UNCRPD and is grateful for financial support: www.nadjeschda.org/index.php/spenden


Further information (website only in German):