Author: Leadership Team (Leadership Team)

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Camphill Community Trust Botswana and Partners at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development
21. May 202125. May 2021

Camphill Community Trust Botswana and Partners at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development

Camphill Community Trust Botswana, together with Camphill Academy, Eurasia Learning Institute, the World Social Initiative Forum and the Council, presented at the 2021 UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. As a 2019 Laureate of the UNESCO-Japan Prize for Education for Sustainable Development, Camphill Community Trust Botswana was invited to offer a booth and...

«Living Connections» – Now online!
18. April 202118. April 2021

«Living Connections» – Now online!

Exploring Anthroposophical Meditation April 22-25, 2021 Online – Register Now! Living Connections is an exploration of anthroposophical meditation. Unfortunately, we cannot hold our conference in person due to the prevailing Corona measures. The preparation team has decided to hold the meeting online in an appropriate form. This online meeting will be held as scheduled from...

New Publication: Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adults
1. April 20211. April 2021

New Publication: Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adults

Soon to be published by Temple Lodge Publishing (UK) is the book by Dutch special educator Geertje Post Uiterweer, Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adults. Against the background of the human and diagnostic approach developed by Rudolf Steiner in his Curative Education Course, the author deals with six constitutional pictures that can provide information about...

Film: The Art of Healing
1. April 20211. April 2021

Film: The Art of Healing

A film portrait of anthroposophic medicine in seven parts Commissioned by the Medical Section at the Goetheanum, a beautiful film portrait of anthroposophical medicine was made (in German – add English subtitles in the video settings). The seven episodes focus on the origins and history of anthroposophic medicine, clinical and outpatient practice, production of anthroposophic...

Goetheanum Online Course – 28 Days of Anthroposophy
17. March 202117. March 2021

Goetheanum Online Course – 28 Days of Anthroposophy

This international study program offers study work and colloquia at a fixed time for 75 minutes per day via Zoom and 20 minutes daily, each of eurythmy, art and short contributions via video. Study work in German, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Language of communication in the colloquia is English. 31.05.–27.06.2021

Goetheanum Leadership Course (online)
17. March 202117. March 2021

Goetheanum Leadership Course (online)

This international and interdisciplinary course with its two modules is designed to be attended alongside professional activities. It is designed for people in leadership positions who want to deepen their leadership competence. Module I – onlineLeading in turbulent times11th–14th May 2021 Module II – onlineInitiating and Sustaining Transformation9th–12th November 2021

Goetheanum Adult Education Programme
17. March 202117. March 2021

Goetheanum Adult Education Programme

Goetheanum Professional Development Courses Teaching Anthroposophy todayPractice • Challenges • Paradigms For trainers, educators and instructors in anthroposophic professional and vocational programmes Module I19th – 22nd May 2021 Module II1st – 4th June 2022 Flyer with further information, timetable and link to online registration

Werkstatt Inklusion (Workshop Inclusion)
17. March 202117. March 2021

Werkstatt Inklusion (Workshop Inclusion)

Moments of Inclusive Pedagogy at Windrather Talschule Setting out into the open!WERKSTATT Inklusion invites teachers to engage in joint practice and research on the issues of inclusion that are now visible everywhere. The initial aim is to further develop the own pedagogical work. It is also possible to make the research results available to other...

Sound & Speech – the Wonder of Movement – Dimensions of Transformation
2. March 20212. March 2021

Sound & Speech – the Wonder of Movement – Dimensions of Transformation

International Conference for Eurythmists, Speech Artists, Eurythmy Therapists and those interested postponed to 18–22.4.2022 Current information Because the conference has been postponed for a year due to the current situation, there will be a small digital conference from 7–9.4.2021. More information will follow. The networking workgroup will also be held in digital format and will...