Autumn Conference 2021 – Register now!

Autumn Conference 2021 – Register now!

This year’s Autumn Conference will be held from October 7-9, 2021 at the Goetheanum and online.

Acceptance – Resonance – Communities of Choice

We warmly invite you to the upcoming inclusive small autumn conferenceat the Goetheanum!

After the good experiences of the last few months with digital formats, we want to get everyone involved. We would like to meet and preferably in person for three days in the Carpentry Building at the Goetheanum. But we also offer opportunities to participate digitally. This is for all those people who can’t travel that far.

The conference planning has been developed in collaboration with a new group of younger employees. We hope that this will inspire younger people in particular to take an interest in our topics. Be part of it!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or anything that concerns you about this conference.

We look forward to seeing you – both near and far away.