Category: News

Training for Asia-Pacific Region in Bangkok
2. January 20242. January 2024

Training for Asia-Pacific Region in Bangkok

The first module of the Asian-Pacific Training in Curative Education and Social Therapy took place in October in Bangkok, Thailand. This newly established program for English speakers from Asia welcomed more than 40 participants from Malaysia, China and the Philippines, as well as Thailand. The program is an initiative of the Anthroposophic Medical Association in...

Interviews with the leadership team in “Anthroposophy Worldwide” 12/2023
19. December 202319. December 2023

Interviews with the leadership team in “Anthroposophy Worldwide” 12/2023

Issue 12/2023 of “Anthroposophy Worldwide” contains three short interviews with the members of the leadership team of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development, Jan Göschel, Sonja Zausch and Bart Vanmechelen. We would like to make these available for reading here: Forming an inner community – interview with Bart Vanmechelen: Deutsch | English | Español...

Perspectives 2023-4 – Online now!
15. December 202319. April 2024

Perspectives 2023-4 – Online now!

The new issue of the journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available – as always bilingual (German and English), in print and online! In the current issue you will find the following articles: Jürgen Peters – Plato’s Steps to Understanding and the Pedagogical Ethos Christiane Drechsler, Nur Erdem, Angelika Wiehl – Nonviolent...

Wahrnehmungsvignetten. Phänomenologisch-reflexives Denken und professionelle Haltung
12. December 202312. December 2023

Wahrnehmungsvignetten. Phänomenologisch-reflexives Denken und professionelle Haltung

Studien- und Arbeitsbuch Ulrike Barth & Angelika Wiehl 1. Auflage 2023 Wahrnehmungsvignetten entspringen einer phänomenologischen Methode der pädagogischen Praxis und Forschung. Sie schließt Wahrnehmungen, Beschreibungen und Reflexionsphasen für eine professionelle inklusive Haltungsentwicklung und Diagnostik ein. Die prozessuale Arbeit mit Wahrnehmungsvignetten fordert auf, idealtypische Muster, Kategorisierungen aller Art, Urteilsbildungen zu Prognosen zurückzustellen und genauer auf die...

Call for donations for Israel and Gaza by the Friends of Waldorf Education
5. December 20235. December 2023

Call for donations for Israel and Gaza by the Friends of Waldorf Education

The Hamas attack and the consequences for the region – We can do something! Together, we can support people and organisations in Israel and Gaza, who are affected by this conflict, to continue their educational work. The Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development therefore wants to support the appeal of the Friends of Waldorf Education,...

How do I find the Good? – 100 years ‘Course for young doctors’
1. December 20231. December 2023

How do I find the Good? – 100 years ‘Course for young doctors’

How do I find the Good? How do we find the courage to heal, and how to I ensure that the laws of karma are respected in healing? The conference honouring the 100 year anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s course for humanising medicine (known as the ‘Course for Young Doctors’) is inspired by these questions as...

International Conference 2024 – Inclusive Social Development
28. November 20233. December 2023

International Conference 2024 – Inclusive Social Development

From 2–6 October 2024 we will celebrate a special international conference: 100 years ago, the Curative Education Course was held by Rudolf Steiner; and our field is going to become the 12th Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum: English: Section for Inclusive Social Development German: Sektion für Heilpädagogik und inklusive soziale...

Перспективы специальное издание на русском языке No. 1 – Available now!
22. November 202322. November 2023

Перспективы специальное издание на русском языке No. 1 – Available now!

The first special edition of the journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development in Russian is now available for download as a PDF. Content: Опыт переживания «точки- круга» Kак дидактический элемент в рамках подготовки лечебных педагогов (Аннетте Пихлер) PЗарисовки восприятия как основа ориентированного на инклюзию педагогического подхода (Ульрика Барт и Анжелика Виль) Курс лекций по...

Review of the novel ‘Burgschattenkinder’
14. November 202314. November 2023

Review of the novel ‘Burgschattenkinder’

The novel ‘Burgschattenkinder’ illuminates the post-war history in dealing with people with disabilities with obviously personal experiences and a search for truth. Read the detailed review by Sonja Zausch, published in ‹Das Goetheanum› No. 45/2023: Download as PDF (German)

5th Meeting of Partners of the Federação Hispano-Portuguesa
13. November 202313. November 2023

5th Meeting of Partners of the Federação Hispano-Portuguesa

“Grab the Fish, don’t let it escape. The Encounter as a Path” This has been the motto of the IV Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Companions, which the institutions of the Spanish-Portuguese Federation of Curative Pedagogy and Social Therapy organize biannually, since the first meeting was held in 2014. On this occasion, being the itinerant meeting between...