After two years, Bart was once again invited as a guest lecturer at the Ita Wegman Foundation training in Budapest. The event was held once again at the house of the Anthroposophical Society. The weekend began with a joint review of our October conference at the Goetheanum and the founding of the new Section. Participants...
Category: News
Andreas Fischer on 100 years of anthroposophical supportive education
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of anthroposophical supportive education, an article by Andreas Fischer was published in the Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik (Vol. 30, No. 08). He looks back on the development, history, guiding principles and practice of anthroposophical supportive education. PDF for download: PDF (German)
The Social and Spiritual Impact of Karl König
A Conference of the Karl König Institute 3rd- 6th April 2025, St. Bride’s Hall, Stroud The Karl König Institute warmly invites you to a special gathering focused on the life, work and continuing inspiration of Karl König. Our aim is to focus on the present day inspirations arising from the legacy of Dr. Karl König’s...
New release: Vor allem Sinne
A practitioner’s guide to early intervention for parents and specialists in therapy and pedagogy Christian Forss, Claudia Grah-Wittich, Annika Kern, Stefan Krauch This well-founded hands-on book is a compilation of suggestions and exercises to offer children needs-oriented opportunities to train and experience their own bodies while climbing, playing, working and creating with their senses. More...
Podcast is online: Space for inclusive social development
The twelfth section at the Goetheanum wants to help shape society, with Jan Göschel “Inclusive social development is an interdisciplinary field of work in which social, educational and medical-therapeutic aspects overlap,” says Jan Göschel, head of the new twelfth section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum. That is why the Section for...
THE GOETHEANUM: Inclusive Social Development · No. 48
The weekly journal DAS GOETHEANUM has dedicated an entire issue to the new 12th Section at the Goetheanum. It contains a wide range of reflections from the autumn conference and texts by the morning panel contributors. Many thanks to the editorial team of the weekly journal for this special issue about us! You can access...
2024 Conference Inclusive Social Development – Movie
NEW! Watch the movie about the founding of the Section at the Autumn Conference at the Goetheanum from October 2-5, 2024.
Perceptual Vignettes: Now also in English
Phenomenological Reflective Thinking and Professional Attitude The study and workbook is now also available in English. Perceptual vignettes are the result of a phenomenological method applied in pedagogical practice and research. This method includes perception, description and phases of reflection and supports the development of a professional inclusive attitude and diagnostic competence. The process-based way...
Live Stream Series: Frankly Speaking
Our time is open, complex and contradictory. So let us search for new paths openly and in a complex way, with the courage to contradict. Three guests embark on this journey – moderated by Franka Henn and Wolfgang Held (editors of “Das Goetheanum”) – to find answers, images and perhaps even visions for and with...
An inclusive performance on the articles of the UN Convention on Human Rights
The evening of the section’s founding with the dance project Human Watch the performance on GoetheanumTV! With students from the Rudolf Steiner School Züricher Oberland/CH, residents with special needs from Hof Wagenburg/Züricher Eingliederungshilfe and students from the Interkanonale Hochschule für Supportive education Zurich/CH Music by Helge Burggrabe Director and producer: Wilfried van Poppel and Amaya...