The twelfth section at the Goetheanum wants to help shape society, with Jan Göschel “Inclusive social development is an interdisciplinary field of work in which social, educational and medical-therapeutic aspects overlap,” says Jan Göschel, head of the new twelfth section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum. That is why the Section for...
Category: News
THE GOETHEANUM: Inclusive Social Development · No. 48
The weekly journal DAS GOETHEANUM has dedicated an entire issue to the new 12th Section at the Goetheanum. It contains a wide range of reflections from the autumn conference and texts by the morning panel contributors. Many thanks to the editorial team of the weekly journal for this special issue about us! You can access...
2024 Conference Inclusive Social Development – Movie
NEW! Watch the movie about the founding of the Section at the Autumn Conference at the Goetheanum from October 2-5, 2024.
Perceptual Vignettes: Now also in English
Phenomenological Reflective Thinking and Professional Attitude The study and workbook is now also available in English. Perceptual vignettes are the result of a phenomenological method applied in pedagogical practice and research. This method includes perception, description and phases of reflection and supports the development of a professional inclusive attitude and diagnostic competence. The process-based way...
Live Stream Series: Frankly Speaking
Our time is open, complex and contradictory. So let us search for new paths openly and in a complex way, with the courage to contradict. Three guests embark on this journey – moderated by Franka Henn and Wolfgang Held (editors of “Das Goetheanum”) – to find answers, images and perhaps even visions for and with...
An inclusive performance on the articles of the UN Convention on Human Rights
The evening of the section’s founding with the dance project Human Watch the performance on GoetheanumTV! With students from the Rudolf Steiner School Züricher Oberland/CH, residents with special needs from Hof Wagenburg/Züricher Eingliederungshilfe and students from the Interkanonale Hochschule für Supportive education Zurich/CH Music by Helge Burggrabe Director and producer: Wilfried van Poppel and Amaya...
100 years of Sonnenhof – event program November 2024 to January 2025
Three seasons of our anniversary year lie behind us, marked by many light-filled, musical and inspiring moments that touched us. Now we are entering the fall and winter season and are sending you our diverse program of events in the attachment. We would particularly like to recommend the inclusive dance project “Nothing but Gold”, which...
A brand new Curative Educational Course by Karl-Reinhard Kummer
The ninth edition of the ‘Curative Educational Course’ is actually a completely new book, the best possible text at the moment. If you want to read the whole article, you can get it for 1 CHF via this link (free of charge for subscribers).
Italian Convention 100 Years of Education for Special Needs
A Renewed Look at the Fragility of Human Existence From November 1 to 3, the Italian Association for Curative Education invited all Italian colleagues, teachers, therapists and school doctors to a conference to mark the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Curative Educational Course. The conference offered a balanced program of artistic workshops, lectures and exercises...
Interview in Anthroposophy Worldwide
The current issue of Anthroposophy Worldwide contains an interview with the leadership team of the section. If you want to read the text, please click here LINK Photo: Ulrike Härtel