A video from Lebanon for the 100th anniversary of the course on ‘Education for Special Needs’ You can also support Step Together with a donation to the Curative Education and Social Therapy Fund, Dornach, reference: “Support Step Together Lebanon”. You can find payment methods on our contact page.A group of friends from Step Together in...
Category: News
Ideengeber Heilpädagogischer Kurs
Beiträge zur Selbstschulung wie auch zur Methodik und Didaktik an Waldorf-Förderschulen Gerhard Hallen «Uns Lehrern wird durch das vorliegende Buch eine große Hilfe zuteil, den Heilpädagogischen Kurs von Rudolf Steiner besser zu verstehen. Die dort erwähnten Fördermaßnahmen werden hier in den Alltag gebracht und mit vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis veranschaulicht. Dabei schöpft Gerd Hallen...
Peter Selg: The Touch of the Earth – A Story from the Curative Education Course
A monograph on Willfried Immanuel Kunert One hundred years after Rudolf Steiner’s “Curative Education Course” (June/July 1924), this special edition combines the revised monograph by Peter Selg on Willfried Immanuel Kunert (8.8.1923 – 30.11.1925), which was published in 2006 after the rediscovery of a appeared in 2006, after the rediscovery of a blackboard of the...
Celebration “100 years of the Lauenstein Day”
The impulse of anthroposophical curative education and social therapy has an important origin in the founding of the Lauenstein Institute 100 years ago. Rudolf Steiner visited the four young colleagues of the Lauenstein Institute in Jena on his way back from the lecture series of the Agricultural Course in Koberwitz to Dornach. This later led...
Perspectives 2024 Special Edition (3 4) – Now online!
The new issue of the journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available – as always bilingual (German and English), in print and online! The current issue is published as a special edition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s “Curative Education Course” and the founding of the Section for...
New publication: Contributions to Rudolf Steiner’s Course on “Education for Special Needs”
From the project of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development, which made possible the new, revised and expanded text edition of Rudolf Steiner’s Course on Education for Special Needs (GA 317), which is now available, the comprehensive accompanying volume is now also being released. The book is the joint work of a group of...
Das Schicksalsverständnis in der Anthroposophie, der anthroposophischen Pädagogik und Heilpädagogik (The Understanding of Destiny in Anthroposophy, Anthroposophic Pedagogy and Special Needs Education)
Constanza Kaliks, Jan Göschel and Peter Selg And the way in which people […] will find the possibility of transferring the idea of reincarnation and karma into general life will essentially reshape this modern life from the present into the future. It will create entirely new forms of life, an entirely new human coexistence. Rudolf...
New German Text Edition of the Course on Education for Special Needs
We are very pleased that the long-awaited new German text edition of Rudolf Steiner’s Course on ‘Education for Special Needs’ (GA 317) has now been released! This course took place 100 years ago with a small circle of people in the Carpentry Hall at the Goetheanum in Dornach. It became a source of inspiration and...
Register now: Online participation via livestream
Are you unable to be in Dornach but would still like to experience the presentations and contributions at this special conference? Register now to take part in the livestream (and watch the recordings within two weeks) for all events in the package or for individual events. The online broadcast of the contributions will be provided...
Trailer for the international conference October 2024 – watch and register now!
Inclusive social development Celebrating 100 years together! Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to celebrate this special year together and are warmly inviting you to join us. Everyone in our field of practice is welcome to this conference. We will try to communicate in a language that is easier for everyone to understand. As we are...