Child Study – 3rd Lecture of the Latin American Lecture Series (10 September 2020)

Child Study – 3rd Lecture of the Latin American Lecture Series (10 September 2020)

We are pleased to announce the next lecture in our open Latin American lecture series:

«La observación del niño-joven como camino interior» – Marcela Almeyda (Argentina)

(Child study as an inner path)

Marcela Almeyda is a psycho-pedagogue (special needs teacher), active for many years in inclusive Waldorf schools and co-founder and member of the leadership team of the training organization for anthroposophic curative education and social therapy “Seminario Cruz del Sur” based in Buenos Aires. She is the delegate for Argentina in the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development.

Together with Gita – Centro Antroposófico in Cuernavaca, Mexico, the Council is organising this open series of lectures on topics of anthroposophical curative education and social therapy. In monthly contributions, members of the Council’s network from Latin America provide an introduction to various aspects of inclusive social development. Language: Spanish.

On the website of the lecture series you will find information about the upcoming dates, the registration form and the video recordings of the previous lectures.