Inner Peace and Outer Restlessness – Impressions from the School of Spiritual Science Conference in Berlin (March 8-19, 2019)

Inner Peace and Outer Restlessness – Impressions from the School of Spiritual Science Conference in Berlin (March 8-19, 2019)

On the spiritual sources of our work

Twenty-five people travelled to the Emil Molt Academy in Berlin on March 8 and 9, 2019. They came from various German regions as well as from Belgium, Italy and Switzerland. Sonja Zausch, Bart Vanmechelen and Michael Dackweiler had invited the German-speaking curative education and social therapy movement on behalf of the Council to look at the development of work on the inner path under the title “Inner peace and outer restlessness” and to consider how this activity can be developed into the future.

In a lecture by Michael Dackweiler we discussed the meaning of the human being and his thoughts, feelings and deeds – for himself, his environment, the earth and our cosmic surroundings.

And then there were questions like: Does spiritual work mean something for our everyday life? And if so, what? How could this work support and shape our cooperation in our movement?

We brought to consciousness the role of the School of Spiritual Science and its protected space. The discussions went on about the various paths and approaches within the framework of open School of Spiritual Science work, unaffiliated groups and questions of the inner path in general, as it appears in our professional field as a task and formative characteristic of the anthroposophical orientation.

What opportunities do we have through the many young people, our colleagues, who get to know anthroposophy for the first time and experience us as those through whom they first meet Spiritual Science?

Intensive encounter, refreshing and trusting exchange of ideas, concerns and topics led to action at the end of the meeting: We want to work on the further development and enlivening of these questions. In addition to their work on their own path, many of the participants have decided to tackle specific topics. We want to reach more people in our movement and get them excited about these topics wherever possible:

  • Visibility – Impact of the School of Spiritual Science in the Regional Conferences in Germany
  • Report and discussion about professional esotericism and School of Spiritual Science work in the Regional Conference North Rhine-Westphalia and in the Committee on Social Psychiatry of the German Association Anthropoi
  • Open School of Spiritual Science Work on professional esotericism in Berlin
  • Curative Education and Social Therapy as Section Work
  • School of Spiritual Science work and professional esotericism in the context of the autumn conference of the Council from 03.-05.10.2019 in Dornach
  • School of Spiritual Science work in Italy

In one year’s time (13.+14.03.2020) we want to meet again in Berlin and are looking forward to new participants! Besides the fact that esoteric practice is always also an individual path, we want to strengthen the active connection between us as active colleagues.

By Michael Dackweiler, Tennental