Journal Menschen. Focus Issue on Inclusive Social Development & Anthroposophic Curative Education

Journal Menschen. Focus Issue on Inclusive Social Development & Anthroposophic Curative Education

The current issue of the Austrianjournal Menschen (formerly “Behinderte Menschen”) is devoted primarily to anthroposophic curative education. It features contributions by Richard Steel, Dan McKanan, Wolf-Ulrich Klünker, Jan Göschel, Ulrike Barth, Christiane Drechsler, Manfred Schulze, Walter Kugler, Rüdiger Grimm and others. In addition, insights into various communities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (Loidholdhof, Humanushaus, Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt, Martinshof, Atelier inklusiv, etc.) are presented. Klaus Krebs reports on the “Dorf2025” project, and Sonja Zausch on the BaSiG project of the Anthropoi Bundesverband – two forward-looking initiatives concerned with the creative contribution of the anthroposophic movement for inclusive social development to general social change.

See title page, intro and table of contents.

Individual subscriptions can be made via the journal’s website.

There is a special offer for anthroposophic institutions until the printing date: Anyone who orders at least 10 issues by November 30, 2020 will receive the issue for the special price of 10 euros including VAT plus shipping costs. This can then be resold at the regular price of 15 Euro (outside Austria) or 13 Euro (inside Austria).

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