Latin American Congress 2023 in Olmué, Chile

Latin American Congress 2023 in Olmué, Chile

The Latin American Congress for Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy was held in Olmué, Chile, from July 12 to 16, 2023. The last time the region met was in Buenos Aires in 2018, and now a group from the Colegio Waldorf San Francisco de Limache hosted the event in the small town between Santiago and the Pacific coast.

12o participants from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, USA, Mexico, Peru and Puerto Rico worked together over five days against the impressive backdrop of the Cordillera de la Costa (the first mountain range behind the coast) on questions of content, network building and the future perspective of anthroposophical curative education and social therapy in Latin America. Over all stood the 99th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s curative education course and the way to the 100th anniversary celebration in 2024.

The meeting was practically prepared and carried out by the team in Chile with great care and attention to detail and a warm and artistic touch. The contents were jointly developed in the Latin American Council, resulting in a very rich and fruitful collegial process of exchange at eye level. Jan Göschel participated from the Council’s leadership team.

In the photo gallery you can see some impressions from the meeting. A more detailed report from the Latin American Council will appear in the upcoming 3-2023 issue of ‘Perspectives’.