Training in Curative Education in Puerto Rico

Training in Curative Education in Puerto Rico

The Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, once an important part of the Spanish colonial empire and annexed by the USA in 1898, is today considered the oldest remaining colony in the world. The two hurricanes that hit the island in September 2017 in quick succession brought it to the attention of the world. The initiative group for anthroposophical curative education and social therapy there consists to a large extent of politically active young people who are deeply involved in issues of social justice, equality for disadvantaged minorities and the protection of women and children from abuse and violence.

In the still young anthroposophical movement in Puerto Rico there are now several Waldorf schools and kindergartens, which are all still in their pioneering phase. In addition, study groups deal with the most diverse topics. There are connections to the anthroposophical movement in the USA and Latin America through personal relationships.

Some years ago a curative education study group was formed, consisting mainly of Waldorf teachers and educators, psychologists, therapists and social workers connected with anthroposophy. With the support of the social worker Myriam Orrillo from Buenos Aires (Argentina), a co-founder of the curative education training Seminario Cruz del Sur, it was finally possible in 2019 to initiate a three-year course coordinated locally by Elsa Arenas, Luzdaris Morales, Raiza Ascanio and Yozibe Martinez. In November 2019 Jan Göschel, as representative of the Council, accompanied a module of the training at the Escuela Waldorf Aurora in the old town of San Juan and worked with the coordination group on questions of curriculum, recognition and integration in international contexts. He also gave a public lecture on the contribution of curative education to social issues of our time. This took place in ‘Pública’, a non-profit art and cultural centre in San Juan. The course aims to prepare the ground for the development of practical curative education and social therapy initiatives in Puerto Rico, which can also contribute to general social, cultural and political development.