Association for Curative Education and Community Development of Taiwan (ACECDT)

Association for Curative Education and Community Development of Taiwan (ACECDT)

Last year (2018), the Association for Curative Education and Community Development of Taiwan (ACECDT) was founded as an umbrella organization for the movement for anthroposophic curative education and social therapy in Taiwan.

ACECDT is a non-profit organization intended to enhance the development of anthroposophic curative education and social therapy, to help make a room for fulfilling each individual’s unique biography, and to develop community relationships characterized by mutual cooperation, equality and reciprocity, respect and freedom in Taiwan.

Our missions are as follows,

  1. to promote the ideal and practice of curative education;
  2. to offer teacher training program and extended courses for curative education;
  3. to organize and to participate in relevant academic conferences;
  4. to develop a community network for curative education; and finally
  5. to publish books and the literature in curative education.

Meanwhile, as a learning community, the ACECDT is attentive to the call of our time for interdisciplinary, collaborative work for pursing the goal of inclusive social development.

(Contact: Hornfay Cherng, National Tsing Hua University)