Bart Vanmechelen in New Zealand – Aotearoa!

Bart Vanmechelen in New Zealand – Aotearoa!

Bart Vanmechelen, Member of the Leadership Team, visited New Zealand from July 5-12. Trisha Glover, Council Delegate for New Zealand, shares from this encounter.

Bart moved through the whole of the country, both the North Island and the South Island, visiting the four Hohepa communities in New Zealand. Rich learnings and exchanges were had by all. It was a great opportunity for the community members to learn about the international network we are a part of and to engage in conversation and questions in regards to the work out of Anthroposophy that is unfolding around the world.

In each community there was an animated conversation with residents, coworkers and staff about the qualities and future perspectives of intentional community life both in the initiative as well as with the larger community around.

In a talk and conversation with the leadership team the qualities and insights of the anthroposophical approach to leadership were addressed in connection with the daily practice and challenges.

A strong theme and cause for ongoing work is the essential work of the inner path of development for all involved in this work.

A full day was dedicated to bringing the Governance and Leadership teams from all four Hohepas to one place in Wellington – the capital of New Zealand where Bart gave talks and a workshop form to questions that live amongst the different regions on the theme of anthroposophy in leadership and organizational development. The exchange was rich and varied and I can say that the learning was enriching for all who were there.

Bart tells me he leaves us with a deep sense for the forces of nature in New Zealand, the people and community, many new ideas and inspirations and a deep respect and interest in the spiritual life here that he experienced as a warmth and ease of accessibility into the Maori spirituality and all people who call New Zealand home.

It’s so heartwarming and enthusing to feel connected in our worldwide network.

Thank you, Bart, for making the extra-long journey to us here in Aotearoa – The Land of the Long White Cloud!