Category: News

Internationales Symposium: Ethos in der Pädagogik
14. February 202319. February 2023

Internationales Symposium: Ethos in der Pädagogik

Eine professionelle Haltung reflektieren und ausbilden 26.–27. Oktober 2023 Eine Veranstaltung des Instituts für Waldorfpädagogik, Inklusion und Interkulturalität, Alanus Hochschule, Mannheim in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Netzwerk Vignetten- und Anekdotenforschung VignA Veranstaltungssprachen: Deutsch und Englisch Die Bildungs- und Entwicklungswege sind seit jeher verschieden und bedürfen in Institutionen – von Kindergarten, Hort und Schule bis hin zu...

New project Inclutrain connect
9. February 20239. February 2023

New project Inclutrain connect

Inclusive exchange and cooperation on person-centered vocational training Inclutrain connect aims to generate a lively exchange of experience between the partner organizations, to learn from each other’s successful processes and to jointly design training activities. In this process, the trainers learn from the trainees and vice versa. The successfully tested methods from the previous Inclutrain...

Leadership team visited Belgium
9. February 20239. February 2023

Leadership team visited Belgium

The annual January retreat of the leadership team took place this year from January 16 to 19 in Belgium. In addition to the usual topics of planning, organizing and preparing the content of the planned events, it was also the opportunity to visit some curative education and social therapy initiatives in Belgium. The discussions with...

AVAPANAM Annual Conference in Chennai, India
27. January 202327. January 2023

AVAPANAM Annual Conference in Chennai, India

From January 4-8, 2023, the annual conference of the Indian Network for Anthroposophical Curative Education and Inclusive Social Design, AVAPANAM, was held in Chennai. Joining them as a guest lecturer was Jan Göschel from the Council’s leadership team. There were also contributions from Veera Panch (India), Christina Spitta (Germany), Augustine Thilak (India) and Sudha Athmaraj...

Online Conference Trauma Therapy & Post-traumatic Growth
9. January 20239. January 2023

Online Conference Trauma Therapy & Post-traumatic Growth

Online Conference in German, English and Russian from January 29 to April 2, 2023 Every Sunday from 3 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. GMT on Trauma Therapy & Post-traumatic Growth Theory, First Aid and Complementary Therapy Experienced clinicians and researchers demonstrate different approaches to trauma. People in the field present a wealth of proven exercises...

Ita Wegman Foundation’s Course in Budapest
24. December 202224. December 2022

Ita Wegman Foundation’s Course in Budapest

The Ita Wegman Foundation’s Course on therapeutic education and social therapy, Budapest 16 – 18 December 2022 By a wonderfully favorable twist of fate, the Ita Wegman Foundation’s course weekend in Budapest coincided with the Christmas meeting of the Anthroposophical Society in Hungary on December 17, 2022. More than 300 people gathered in the main...

24. December 202228. March 2023

Perspectives 2022-4 – now online!

The new issue of the journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available – as always bilingual (German and English), in print and online! In the current issue you will find the following articles: Pascale Karlin – Autism Veera Panch – A curative education initiative in Chennai (India) Burga Liddiard & Penelope Baring...

Inner Connections: Soul Breathing and Nature Breathing
22. December 202222. December 2022

Inner Connections: Soul Breathing and Nature Breathing

An in-person public conference on April 13-16, 2023 in Ytterjärna, Sweden Co-sponsored by the Karl König Institute and the Kulturhuset, Järna Most people understand that the earth is suffering. The symptons of this are dramatic and are affecting millions of lives around the world. What does this have to do with us? Humankind is not...

A visit to the Camphill community Agualinda in Colombia
21. December 202221. December 2022

A visit to the Camphill community Agualinda in Colombia

About ten years ago, Lina Maria Reina Gartner founded the Camphill community Agualinda in a suburb of Bogota together with Pablo Acevedo. In the eastern mountain range of the Colombian Andes, the town of Cota is located in the province of Cundinamarca, at an altitude of 2,566 m (8,419 ft), with a distinctly cool highland...