The Working Group on Social Therapy met with thirteen European colleagues for its autumn meeting at the Emil Molt Akademie in Berlin, Germany. A central topic was the situation of young professionals, which needs our attention all over the world. A working group on the core topics of the Council has already developed an aid...
Category: News
Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development – What does that mean?
If you are here, you probably know it already: The worldwide network of anthroposophic organizations in social care, social work, disabilities and education has a new name and presence. We were asked to introduce our new name and logo, as well as the Council itself and the network of organizations it represents, in the newsletters...
Washington Post Photo Essay – Camphill Svetlana
Ein Photo Essay der Washington Post vom 23. April 2018 erzählt in schönen Bildern der Dokumentarphotographin Mary Gelman von der Camphill Gemeinschaft Svetlana in der Nähe von St. Petersburg, Russland. Sehenswert, obwohl Titel und Text vielleicht nicht ganz den Massstäben unseres Arbeitsfeldes entsprechen. Zur Washington Post Story
Social Play Space – Making Room for Fulfilling Biographies
Social Play Space – Making Room for Fulfilling Biographies Impressions from the International Conference for Curative Education and Social Therapy at the Goetheanum, October 8-12, 2018 We would like to thank everyone who played with us in the spaces we created together. It was a special experience that will continue to inspire us! In place...
Better Access – Integration of Curative Education and Social Therapy Collection in Goetheanum Library
Starting in October 2018, the approximately 7000 titles of the library collection on curative education and social therapy of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development are being integrated into the public library of the Goetheanum. With this step, the collection will also be accessible through the catalog of the IDS Basel Bern library consortium....
Annual Conference of the Medical Section “Living Light”
September 13-16, 2018, at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
Collaboration of Training Centers in Eastern Europe
In the middle of September, representatives of the training centers in Eastern Europe came together in Yerevan (Armenia).
Visit in Juchowo/Poland
In the beginning of September 2018, Sonja visited the biodynamic farm “Juchowo”.
IX. Latin-American Conference on Curative Education and Social Therapy
July 16 – 20, 2018, in Buenos Aires
“Encontrarme para Encontrarnos: Del trabajo interior al desafío social” – that was the title of this year’s Latin-America conference: How do I find myself, so that we can find and meet each other in the social space?